001 Energy Bunker

Urban renewable energy initiative, Hamburg, Germany, until 2013

IBA Hamburg Gmbh


IBA Hamburg intends to convert an enormous 40 meters high former flak bunker into a regenerative energy resource by installing 4000 square meters solar panels and a gas and wood chip heating system to supply the surrounding area with energy. An additional 48.000 cubic meter space for cultural events is also envisioned. The project converts an eyesore relic into a community hotspot that uses sustainable energy.

IBA Hamburg GmbH was founded in 2006 to foster urban development on different levels. The IBA (Internationale Bauausstellung – International Building Exhibition) will take place in 2013. One aim of the IBA Hamburg GmbH is to develop renewable energy sources and energy independence for the Wilhelmsburg area of the city by adaptation, conversion and insertion projects as part of an urban regeneration scheme.