Photo © Christian Holl
Symposium: Die Stadt von übermorgen
Symposium: 10. 9. 2015 // 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. // Event stage of the ASRM, underneath the A 661-Mainbrücke / Offenbach, Kaiserle
During the Sommer of Architecture 2015 in Rhein-Main 2015 the Federal Institute for Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Research, the BDA in the state of Hessen, German Architecture Museum and the Designinstitut für Mobilität und Logistik (DML) at the School for Design Offenbach, invites to discuss under the heading „Die Stadt von übermorgen“ (the city of tomorrow) about future trends and task of cities of varying sizes.
The symposium "Stadt von Übermorgen" (the city of tomorrow) takes examplary future topics into account, that are as well of fundamental relevance as they are of particular relevance for Rhein - Main: Mobility and smart cities, building culture as well as regional periphery.
Prof. Matthias Böttger (Kunstuni Linz und raumtaktik, Berlin), Prof. Dr. Anke Karmann-Woessner (Stadt Karlsruhe, Leiterin Stadtplanungsamt), Oliver Elser, (Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt), Dr. Thomas Sauter-Servaes (Leiter Studiengang Verkehrssysteme ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften), Michael Obrist (feld72 Architekten, Wien), Eva Schweitzer(BBSR), Wilhelm Klauser (InD initialdesign, Berlin), Heidi Pretterhofer (Arquitectos ZT, Wien), Lars Porsche (BBSR)
Sommer of Architecture 2015 in Rhein-Main
BDA Hessen
Federal Institute for Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Research